Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day #28: Point & shoot...

Well first of all... I missed posting a day!!! Can you believe that... I kept up so well, but knew this was going to happen one day! LOL Last night I had indoor soccer practice and well I came home around 11.00 PM and just didn't feel like turning on the pc and post my photo. So here I am... it's now 10.36 AM, day 29 and woke up 30 mins ago. So make sure to check back later today for my photo for day #29! :)

Now on to my day #28th photo... Last weekend I ordered a fun new gadget for my camera. It' s a tiny remote control and had so much fun playing with it last night at my parents' house. I think the remote has a reach of like 200 meters...and it works on infra-red. Right next to my lens there's the infra-red spot on my camera. Here's a photo of me trying it out and well just wanted to show you my new fun gadget! :)Day#28

Isn't it fun?? :)

Well see you guys later today... Hugs!


Unknown said...

I have a remote too, but have not really used it yet. Maybe this will inspire me!

Great shot too.

Paint the Moon Photography said...

Wonderful photo! I love my little remote too! They are great little gadgets.

Biancka said...

Wat een leuke gadget! Je begrijpt het al....die wil ik ook !! haha Waar heb je 'm gekocht?

Toevallig dat we allebei gisteren niet gepost hadden. Ik lag gewoon al veels te lekker in bed en had echt geen zin om alleen voor mijn 365 blogpost uit bed te komen! LOL



Debra said...

Really cool photo!! Someone gave me a remote because the company sent them the wrong one, so I need to try it out! Hopefully it will work. Now I'm all excited to try it out!

Beth {kewl_jive} said...

Love the lil gadget and the photo processing is amazing! ;)

AlaskaMoffitts said...

Enjoy your new toy! It's fun to see the bloggers in pictures so I'm glad you included one of yourself.

Meg said...

Awesome photo! I love my remote! Its so nice not having to set the timer and run in the picture! Love the idea of planning pictures too.

Cindy said...

I so want a remote. Valentine's Day is coming. lol