Monday, March 2, 2009

Day #60 & 61: March is here!

Yeah peeps, time sure is flying by sooo fast!! Who knew we would keep up this project 365?? I sure didn't, so I'm kind of having a little proud moment. Although I'm not that good at keeping up blogging the past few weeks. My week nights are so busy and just don't always feel like blogging, or I'm home waaaay too late.... But on the other side, posting two days at once isn't that bad either is it?? :)

Well without further ramblings I give you my photo for Day #60: March 1st, a beautiful beginning of the month. The weather was great 10 degrees at 16.47... Earlier today the temperature went up to 13 degrees...Can't you feel the spring coming??Day#60

here we are right in front of my parents house. about to take our first bath in their awsome jacuzzi. I can tell you it was great, the only thing was that my guy had out a little too much soap in it and the bubbles came so high I needed to shut down the streams a couple of times...LOL My dad did took a photo with his cam but haven't send it over yet! :)

Day #61: We just came home from our very first meeting with a mortgage adviser!!! Yeah we're trying to buy our first house. We're going to visit a house this thursday since the market is kind of good and the mortgage rent isn't too high. The guy talked a bit too fast for me...well it was 20.oo hr when we had this meeting, so sorry if I asked too many questions about what he was explaining! LOL... We are a little wiser right now and know what to do from here. We just need to find that perfect house!! here are all the papers and info he gave us when leaving....Day#61

See you soon!... Oh yeah just got tagged by Joy, will play along tomorrow!! Hugs!


Unknown said...

Great idea to photograph the temp in the car.

Best wishes for buying your first home - how exciting!

Paint the Moon Photography said...

congrats on buying your first home buying experience!!Yay for you!! :)

Kelly said...

Big decision to buy a house - good luck! It's a daunting process sometimes.
I can't believe that it's March already either.

Unknown said...

great ideas!

Sandra said...

Succes met een huis vinden/kopen! :D

Anonymous said...

Yay your first house. Very exciting and frustrating lol. ;-) Good Luck!!!