Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day #84&85: Got the flu???

Ok I think it's official that I again caught a nasty flu! I slept horrible last night, you could say I haven't slept at throat just hurted too bad!!! Yesterday I had a feeling that it was finding it's way to my body, cause I had a headache and just felt icky. I did went to soccer practice at night, but when I came home I felt worse & worse... My photo for day #84 is none other then my indoor soccer sneakers:Day#84

So here I am today... I'm so glad it was my weekly day of today and I could just relax and hang around. I watched a lot of TV laying on the couch, but also made two pages. I wanted to steam to make all the icky stuff in my head drift off (can't think of another way to put it right now!! LOL). I bought this stuff 'Dampo' to steam with the last time I had a flu, but I had no clue where I'd put it... searched everywhere, the medicine cabinet, the closets, the kitchen, the bedroom... Really everywhere. I gave up and then when getting a vitamin sprakle tablet I found them... uhm yeah in the medicine cabinet, where I'd searched for like three times!!! DUH! Anyway I boiled some water, sat down and started steaming. I feel a bit better right now and will do it again before going to bed tonight! So here's my photo for today...pooring the bolied water into my (ok borrowed it from my mom and never gave it back, untill she said I could keep it..thanks mom, it came in handy today!!) little steamer.. The yellow stuff you see in there is 'Dampo'Day#85

Well just hope I feel better tomorrow and hope I can get some good old sleep!! See you Saturday, cause I've got a soccer game tomorrow night, unless this flu is getting worse and I'm still sick...just hope not! :)


Unknown said...

I wish a good improvement!

Maike said...

Poor girl! Hope you feel better soon!

bentonflocke said...

Hope you feel better soon - I´ll cross my fingers for you and your soccer game tomorrow night!!

Jennifer said...

Hope you feel better soon! Glad you got your pictures in even though you aren't feeling well. :)

AlaskaMoffitts said...

Hope today is a much better day for you