Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mmm, have no clue what’s wrong??!!

Ok like 10 minutes ago, the power got shut down… probably cause we had the PC & EHD’s on, the dishwasher & the dryer.. and of course other things that are always on there like the refrigerator and hot-water boiler… anyways, it probably was a bit too much for the moment. I restarted my PC in the save mode and all was good, untill I tried to open my ACDSee photo manager pro 2 and it won’t work. I have no clue what to do next, since I already restarted the PC for the 2nd time and gave me the same error.

I still need to edit the photos from the sint nicolas surprise night and the others for Saturday and today, but that’s not working with it my photo manager… I hope the get it fixed tonight, or else I’ll probably sleep really bad, knowing it’s broken! :( So we’ll see how this goes. I’ll be back asap and no later then Tuesday… SYS  -x-

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