Well people I've been back for 3 days now and although there was a heat-wave there, I kind of miss the sun. The first day, when I woke up...you could've guessed it...rain! Lots of times when you get back from your sunny holiday stay, rain is here to find you! LOL It was a pretty day today though and no rain..they say is getting better this week, so we'll see!
Anyway I'm here to show off my Italy photos... I visited my parents' there on their holiday adress in the mountain, in a place called: 'San Lorenzo in Campo' doesn't that sound pretty? :) Well since I took a lot of photos, during the week I was there, I'm going to show you two photos for each day...simply because I couldn't pick one :) Oh beware cause this is going to be a long post! LOL
Let's start with Saturday the 11th, day # 192: after we woke up, took a quick swim and head breakfast we went to Fano, to a local market there ad bought some cute things (a purse, slippers, a blouse). We also stopped by the sea, since it was pretty hot... we didn't bring our bathing suits, so we went in just a bit. I warned my dad the waves were pretty high and un-expected, but he didn't listen...LOL As he was in untill his knees, a wave came up and soaked his shorts! hihi... We walked a bit on, until we found this rocky place and asked him to pose for me :)
My dad told me at night, that around 11 PM the moon comes up from behind the mountains and that I had to see it... Well since 10.15 PM he checked every 10 mins. till it came out. I tried to make a photo of this beautiful orange moon, but couldn't find anything steady, to take a photo with a long shuttertime...so it turned out a bit moved and other then the moon and some lights, it's a bit too dark!
On Sunday we stayed around the appartment most of the day and swum in the complex' outside swimming pool, wich was really refreshing sometimes... Kind of like our private pool, since there were only 2 other family's to share it with at the moment. Right next by the pool there was a big lavender bush and this bee was busily buzzing around it...
Before going out to diner, we drove the area for a bit and found this beautiful sunflower field. There are tons of these in the area and as they dry out, they make sunflower oil from them. This field started at the road and ended way up the hill as you can see...
Then Monday morning day #194, I was up waaaay tooo early! I couldn't sleep because of the bugs and warmth and so as I looked out of the window at 5.25 AM, I saw the sun coming up and had to take some photos of course...
But I can tell you it was still a bit cold out and so after an hour I went back to bed and slept till 9 AM. After we had breakfast and showered we went to 'the caves of Frassasi ', wich were truly interesting and breathtaking....with all the stalagmites and stalagtites. We couldn't take any photos inside, but I did took one of this huge picture wich was just outside the caves...
Tuesday, day #195...Today was the local market in our little village, but it was as big as in Fano and didn't bought anything other then some grilled chicken for diner :) This photo is taken from the terrace were we had some coffee and juice...
Later in the afternoon my dad and I had put up the awning of the camper... The terrace was in the full sun and even the sun-shaed weren't enough. This worked perfect and it was the first time my dad had put it up, since they only bought this camper like a month ago. It worked like a charm... He was sooo happy!!!
Wednesday we went to this pretty little town in the mountains and there was this cute nature-stones shoppe and of course my mom and I couldn't resist and bought some pretty stones and bracelets there...Look at all these pretty colors...
For the 2nd photo, I just took this one of our view from up the mountain.. isn't it pretty??
Thursday I went back to this big lavender plant, cause I had seen some pretty butterflies flying around, and there she (or he) was in all it's glory. I love how the background is blurried and this is one of my fav. photos I took...LOL 
Then I've got this photo from 'to me' a typically Italian sight...those pretty ornage tiled houses, with some red-fuchsia flowers and the mountains in the background... 
Friday... already my last day in the beautiful country!!! Of course I had to take a last swim in 'our' pool, to cool down a bit before I started packing my suitcage. My mom and dad went with me and I took this sweet photo of them...
One more photo...wich is taken in 'San Lorenzo in Campo' down the hill. My dad and I went to the internet cafe for a bit, so I could have a chat with my guy... I had to take a photo of this pretty fountain...
Before I'm wrapping this up, I would like to thank my parents for having me over this week!!! I loved it and would've no idea what to do this week, other then just missing my guy and feeling sad! You guys have kept me going and kept my mind of of missing him... Well I did miss my sweetie, but being around you, during that time was GREAT!!! I felt LOVED and loved everything we did..the talking, seeing places and especially the sweet goodnight kisses! thanks mom & dad and you both know you mean the world to me!!! -x- Love you!!!!
Well peeps, that was my week in Italy... it flew by so fast, but I had a wonderful time. Italy is a beautiful country and if you ever think about going there...Just do it, you'll love it!!! See ya soon! -hugs-