Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day #209 - 214: catching up...

Well our first week of work has passed, survived our weekend and August is already here... Really, where did July go?? Time flew by!! Our first week of work was ok and relaxed...this weekend we had nothing planned other then to just relax... So let me show you my pics. from this week...

Tuesday after we had diner, we went to get an ice-cream here in town. We sat down at this bench in a little parc and ate our ice-cream...we had view over this beautiful #209

When my guy was in Morocco, I took some photos of myself, with the tripod and my remote control. After he got home and saw the photo he loved it. So glad he did, cause I already ordered this photo in canvas for him...LOLday #210

Thursday I was off work and made a yummy diner, for my family. I made my moms delicious glad she gave me the recipe!! So we ate at my parents' house with my brother and his GF. I still hadn't got a gift for my birthday from my brother & Kiki, but they didn't forget me... I got these two cute bracelets, some paper scrapping stickers and the cutest tea light shaped like a butterfly... day #211

Then Friday night arrived and we were glad we came through this week ok...we treated ourselves to some yummy chocolate mouse with whipped cream...MMmmmmday #212

The Saturday August 1st... Since my parents bought a new refrigerator ...a huge american style one, we got they old table model freezer. We have a little freezer above the refrigerator, but it's toooo small for the two of us. We had one, but it was broken for a while.... LOL. So now we have a new one...and I'm so happy with it. Thanks mom & dad! :) day #213

This morning I made us some yummy french toast...we wanted to make these yesterday, but found out we didn't have anymore eggs. So I promised my guy to make them this morning... They were so good, with sugar & syrop! :)day #214

Ok peeps, I'm off... still want to scrap a bit. But also kind of tired... my period is coming up (not like you wanted to know that...LOL) and did some serious cleaning today...the whole kitchen is shining! Cleaned everything and sorted out the cabinets and threw away lots of things that were over date...oops! Not fresh products though...just other things like cake-mix and such. I need to check that more often! :)

Well see ya soon! -hugs-


AlaskaMoffitts said...

Love your picture of the windmill. Reminds me of the times I was able to spend in the Netherlands! ou self portrait is incredible too!

bentonflocke said...

what a wonderful week!! Great pictures as always, love each of them