So we’ve been busy preparing our gift suprises for saint nicolas en have got several other projects I finished… or almost finished. So I feel tons better when most of it is done, while knowing the holidays are coming up :) So let’s get this started!
Monday November 23rd… I finished my mom’s weekly planner, wich I made with Amy’s weekly planner kit at after five designs. I’m also making one for myself, but had to get some new cartirdges for my printer. I got those today, so hopefully I’ve got some time to continue mine this week… Anyways here’s my moms’, she loves it! :)
Then for Tuesday… On Saturday I got this package from It’s a website where you can try out new things that aren’t in store yet. I already had the pleasure to try some chicken spices earlier this year and this time around it was… dark chocolate mouse… Boy this is sooo good and the intense flavour is delicious!!! In the pack I got 40 of these little cups (already gave half away and there’s still lots left in the fridge), some cute little cardboard boxes to put them in when giving them away and a game…. I mean don’t these colors and all, already give you a little taste of what they’re like?? LOL… They’re sooo good!
On Wednesday after soccer practice I took home these shirts. We put them on when playing a little game against eachother. One of the teams needs to wear these… This time I was one of the lucky one to put one on, but… they smelt awful and decided to take them home, since they don’t get washed every week… Now they’re clean and smell sooo muhc better! :)
On Thursday I received the first issue of this photography magazine. I signed up for a year for only €25, wich was very cheap. I bought it during the photography fair a fwe weeks ago and was so happy when I received it in the mail. It’s got lots of great ideas, tips & trics and much more. This month it came with an DVD about using flash..haven’t watched it yet…
Friday after work I had ameeting for a wedding shoot in Februari, but before I left I had to relax for a little bit. I made myself some yummy green tea with Jasmin from Rituals… It’s a bit expensive, but it’s soooo good and always gives me a relaxing feeling!
On Saturday it was sheepfest… an islam celebration. My SIL asked us to come over for diner and so we did. After diner our little niece Imane was laughing so loud, I went to take a look in their bedroom… She was acting all funny… Sometimes this girl is way too silly, she always makes me laugh. When I grabbed my camera to record that, she stopped right away with her sillyness and gave me this sweet face…
This morning I made us some french toast for breakfast… it was good and usually I could eat like 4 slices of bread. Since I’m still kind of on a diet I only ate three (see mom & dad, I do try!! :)) But man, I could’ve ate more of these… :) My guy easily eats away 5 of these and he is sooo thin! It’s not fair at all, he can always eat all he wants! :(
And then my weekend was almost over… Already??!! It was good though, but could always use a day more (or two) (or three). But luckily I’m only working 3 days this week after working 4 days for several weeks! Tomorrow after work we’re having diner at my MIL and at night I’ve got a soccer game. We’re supposed to be an hour early cause we got a new sponsor and will get getting new outfits and bags… I so can’t wait! So you can probably guess what my pic for tomorrow will be, right?? :)
Have a grea sunday, for what’s left of it and see you soon! -xx-