Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day # 327 – 33333333333333

So we’ve been busy preparing our gift suprises for saint nicolas en have got several other projects I finished… or almost finished. So I feel tons better when most of it is done, while knowing the holidays are coming up :) So let’s get this started!

Monday November 23rd… I finished my mom’s weekly planner, wich I made with Amy’s weekly planner kit at after five designs. I’m also making one for myself, but had to get some new cartirdges for my printer. I got those today, so hopefully I’ve got some time to continue mine this week… Anyways here’s my moms’, she loves it! :)day #327

And a couple more shots….day 325-327 021-2 day 325-327 020-2

Then for Tuesday… On Saturday I got this package from It’s a website where you can try out new things that aren’t in store yet. I already had the pleasure to try some chicken spices earlier this year and this time around it was… dark chocolate mouse… Boy this is sooo good and the intense flavour is delicious!!! In the pack I got 40 of these little cups (already gave half away and there’s still lots left in the fridge), some cute little cardboard boxes to put them in when giving them away and a game…. I mean don’t these colors and all, already give you a little taste of what they’re like?? LOL… They’re sooo good!day #328

On Wednesday after soccer practice I took home these shirts. We put them on when playing a little game against eachother. One of the teams needs to wear these… This time I was one of the lucky one to put one on, but… they smelt awful and decided to take them home, since they don’t get washed every week… Now they’re clean and smell sooo muhc better! :)day #329

On Thursday I received the first issue of this photography magazine. I signed up for a year for only €25, wich was very cheap. I bought it during the photography fair a fwe weeks ago and was so happy when I received it in the mail. It’s got lots of great ideas, tips & trics and much more. This month it came with an DVD about using flash..haven’t watched it yet…day #330

Friday after work I had ameeting for a wedding shoot in Februari, but before I left I had to relax for a little bit. I made myself some yummy green tea with Jasmin from Rituals… It’s a bit expensive, but it’s soooo good and always gives me a relaxing feeling!day #331

On Saturday it was sheepfest… an islam celebration. My SIL asked us to come over for diner and so we did. After diner our little niece Imane was laughing so loud, I went to take a look in their bedroom… She was acting all funny… Sometimes this girl is way too silly, she always makes me laugh. When I grabbed my camera to record that, she stopped right away with her sillyness and gave me this sweet face…day #332

This morning I made us some french toast for breakfast… it was good and usually I could eat like 4 slices of bread. Since I’m still kind of on a diet I only ate three (see mom & dad, I do try!! :)) But man, I could’ve ate more of these… :) My guy easily eats away 5 of these and he is sooo thin! It’s not fair at all, he can always eat all he wants! :(day #333

And then my weekend was almost over… Already??!! It was good though, but could always use a day more (or two) (or three). But luckily I’m only working 3 days this week after working 4 days for several weeks! Tomorrow after work we’re having diner at my MIL and at night I’ve got a soccer game. We’re supposed to be an hour early cause we got a new sponsor and will get getting new outfits and bags… I so can’t wait! So you can probably guess what my pic for tomorrow will be, right?? :)

Have a grea sunday, for what’s left of it and see you soon! -xx-

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day # 323 - 326: faces…

So Today I’m going to show you my pics from the last couple of days, including today’s pic. :) But I only got faces to show you… from 1 week old to 13 years old…

Let’s start with Thursday photo… I went to see my colleague & her newborn baby boy Tigho. He is so small and cute, I planned to do a little shoot, but we decided to wait for another week or so… here he is 6 days old…                 day #323

On Friday morning we went to see these little rabbit…well little, they are french long-ears and 7 weeks old. We didn’t had a lot of kids and so we went there… It was at a house of one of the other kids from daycare and their parents showed us the little bunnies. The kids loved it and all had one on their laps. here is Ruben, my colleagues son, holding one…he loved it!!day #324

On Saturday afternoon we went to my cousin Robin’s birthday  party…he turned 13 on the 11th. Boy he is getting big and almost as tall as I am. I can so remeber the day he was born!day #325

Today we had another b-day party… my cousin’s BF Peter turned the BIG 30 (just like my guy) and celebrated today… after we had diner there, we put their little boy Quinn in bath. He had so much fun filling cups with water… I looove how this picture turned out! Look at those waterdrops.. my aunt (his GM) threw water on his head and he had so much fun, laughing…day #326

One more, cause I loved the look on his face and those watery eye-lashes…sin’t he cute? he changed so much the past months and is such a sweet, funny little guy…day #326-2

Well gotta go…promissed my guy to make him some coffee and he just made this comment that his mouth was dry… LOL, was that a hint?? Well see you all on Thursday :)  -hugs- and have a great sunday night!- 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day # 316-322: 1 week, 7 days, 7 photos!

Ok exactly one week ago I blogged my last photos… My weekend and week have been pretty busy and just didn’t had the time… To be honest I don’t really have time now either, since I’ve got lots to do… editing photos from the wedding shoot of Nov. 6th, make suprise gifts (like big creative things where we hide the gifts in for our saitn nocilas celenbration, we both have to make one for…. ssst, sorry not telling you yet… family members read this too! LOL). Then… make personal relation cards for a friend, update my photography website and more. This afternoon I’ve got a phto shoot with one of my colleagues… she gace birth to a little boy on Saturday and so look forward to that. So no photo for today yet…

Now let’s get this thing going… Thursday: I took this photo of guy’s lens kit. He got this the same week I got my glasses. He usually wears glasses, but with kick-boxing he needs these. But… he never really wore them yet!!!! He tried them in twice, I think..but he finds it really hard to get them in and gives up pretty quickly. So I’m not sure he’s ever going to wear them and on top of that… I like him better with glasses! :)day #316

Friday after work we had a soccer game.. when that was over we went to one of the girls’ house and had tons of fun… played on the WII, painted one of the girls’ hair and san karaoke!!! It was a blast… here are two of the girls singing their lungs out! :)day #317

Saturday I went to this fun creative fair (crea-doe) and bought waaaaaay to much new goodies, for paper scrapping, painting and some pretty decorations… I brought my dad’s camera, but totally forgot to take a photo! At night I went out to diner with the girls from softball… I took a few photos and to be honest this isn;t the best one, but almost everyone is on there…day #318

On Sunday we had a girls day with my friends, like we had a couple of weeks ago… the food was good, as always! Here’s a shot of our little high tea thing. chocolate fondue, fruits, bonbons, mini-cakes and more…day #319

So as you can see I had a fun-filled weekend, but sunday night I was truly exhausted!! And on Monday of course I had to work…

After work I went to the lady who made me those cute crochet hats…she finsihed the baby-bags and a crochet wrap and went to pick them up… They are so cute and I love the colors. I pciked out the fabrics myself, the day we went shopping for them. I really like how they turned out and can’t wait to try them out. I did tried one of them out on one of the kids from daycare and it looked adorable… but today I hopefully get to try the boy one out on colleagues little #320

On Tuesday night we had a relaxing night together… while he was playing online poker I worked on my weekly planner. Can’t show you yet, but I can show you the fun goodies I bought at the creative fair last weekend…alphabets, flowers, paper things, ribbons, brads, shiny gems and lots more…day #321

Yesterday I finished my little project I started at work… I made this boat with sinterklaas (saint nicolas). Eevery year we celebrate sinterklaas at daycare, since it’s kind of a children’s celebration. The kids always love it… next week all the kids get to bring a shoe and in the week of dec. 4th we will fill them with candy & a little gift. (well ‘sinterklaas’ does that…LOL) Some of the kids helped me with coloring the ‘zwarte pieten’ and the little packages… I love how the boat turned out :) what do you think?day #322

Well I’m going to have breakfast and get going with my to-d0-list, cause it’s huge!! LOL Will see you all soonish! –hugs-

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day # 310-315: wedding & more…

So let’s start right away…

Friday I had my third wedding shoot for this lovely couple. She is a sister of one of the moms from daycare. The couple looked beautiful…she in her pretty brown wedding dress and he in a matching creme-isch suit. It wa a great day and luckily the weather was pretty ok. I mean the sun was hiding most of the day, but we didn’t had any rain! First we went to their house and the day-guests came over…after that we went to this castle for the wedding. We had a little shoot first and ruing the day we took some more pretty shots. Right now the newly weds are on a honeymoon to Marrakech and I’m kind of jealous! LOL. Anyways here I two photos I really love. They haven’t seen them yet, but I did send them a little previw, but not sure wether they seen them, since they are on honeymoon. But I want to show you these anyway…here we go:day #310

They had these cute pink heart shaped umbrella wich we took some photos with…and I adore this close-up..aren’t they a pretty, happy-in-love looking couple? :)day #310-2

On Saturday I didn’t do anything exciting… stayed home most of the day and had diner at my BIL and his family. While staring out the window I noticed this X on the tree right outside our window… X marks the spot, right?? Well it does. Since they’re renovating the appartment buildings here and the scenery around it. The city people decided to take down some trees. This tree makred with an X is going down one day too. On one hand I don’t really care, since we’re planning to move asap and well sometimes when it’s really windy it scares me… the branches sometimes hit the window and I’m kind of scared of this whole tree coming down and smashing into our appartment! On the other hand, when the tree is filled with leaves… it stops the sun from coming in in the morning, wich saves a lot of warmth…espceially during summer. There’s this one lady who lives around here who filed a complaint againts all these trees going to be cut down. But I’m sure the people from the city will listen. We’ll see!day #311

Oh yeah, sorry fot all these images : rounded corners, reflection…but after I updated the windows software, live writer has seen these fun new features for photos and just want to try them out! :)

Let’s continue…

On Sunyday my guy and I went to the movies. We saw Micheal Jackson’s ‘This is it’. It was great, but had a bit of different expectations from it. But I’m glad we went to see it. It’s only in the theatre form a couple of weeks… day #312

Monday while I work two of the kids from the after-school-daycare came over to drop of something I ordered. Every year kids from the two highest classes of primary school go door-to-door to ask if people want to buy ‘ kinderpostzegels’ (children postage stamps) . A part of the income of all the stamps sold goes to a different project every year. But mainly ‘for children by children. Mainly for education in third world country’s. It’s a great cause and my mom always used to buy some (she probably still does). I think this is the 4th year I bought them and today I got them. Every year the stamps are drawn by a different artist and thyey’re always different and unique. day #313

On Tuesday I work a few hours in the afternoon and when I got home…there was a package from Colinda… the lady who already made me this cute baby boy chrochet hat. This time the package included two hats… one for girls (same as the boy one) and one simple green one wich is supposed to go with this baby cocoon she also made. Haven’t received the cocoons yet, but I did saw them on photo. She wanted me to check if these were the right sizes again :) Aren’t they cute?day #314

Yesterday (wednesday) when I got at work I saw this…day #315

Two weeks ago we got these walking sticks… sadly all of the ones we had died. It was kind of sad and had no clue how this had happened. I went to this forum and asked what I did wrong… It probably had been the leaves I gave them…they were to hard for them to eat. So after I got some more info I went back to the pet shop and asked if they still had any left. Well they DID and I got the last bunch…8 of them. These looked a lot bigger & stronger then the ones we had before!   They started eating right away… except when I first got to work and looked at them I only found 6… seemed that 2 were hiding behind a leave… uhm making out!!! So that means tomorrow or on Monday I’m going to find tiny eggs at the bottom of their house :) Isn’t that fun? I know the kids are going to love it! :)

I haven’t took a photo for today yet, but will do later on. Haven’t got a whole lot planned this afternoon, but we’ll see! This weekend is going to busy though…

Tomorrow after work I’ve got a soccer game and after that we’re going over to one of the girls’ house and play some games. I decided to spend the night with my brother and his GF, since I need to get up prety early for the saturday. I’m going to this creative fair with my aunt and two of her friends. But since I don’t want to drive home at night and head back there early in the morning I’m going to spend the night there… Although I’ll miss my guy not laying next to me, but I’ll be fine! LOL Then after the fair I’m going home to put on my party clothes cause I got this diner with the girls from softball.

Sunday I think I’m going to deliver the wedding album I made for the wedding I had in June… but not sure since I haven’t talked to them yet. I had send the album back since it had a mistake and it took like two weeks to get it back. Last night it finally got here and want to wrap this up asap… although not sure if it will be sunday. cause in the afternoon I’ve got this day with the girls again (like a we had two months ago) and promissed to make tiny cupcakes for that too… so we’ll see! I’m outta here for now and with all these plans I have no clue when I’ll be back to post here.. so we’ll see!

Have a great thursday! –x-

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day # 305-309: fair, glasses, fabrics & memories

So yesterday my weekend already started!! I only worked two days this week, Mon- & Wednesday... I took tomorrow off since I'm having my third wedding shoot and so can't wait. The couple that's going to marry tomorrow, is so sweet! She is a sister of one of the mom's from daycare and the 2 little ones who both go to my group at daycare are the brideskids...I know it's going to be fun, I only hope the weather will be good and dry! It looks like it's going to be dry during the day, so yeaaah! But just to make sure I'll do a little sun dance before I leave in the morning...haha

Sunday Day #305 I went to this photography fair close by. It was fun!! Only a little smaller then last year. I bought a Falcon eyes background support with 50% off!! Then there were lots of fun happenings you could take photos of like; street dancer, people who jumped trampolines, body painted ladies, fashion shows and lots more... I have tons of photos, but haven't really had the time to have a closer look, so I'll just leave it with #305

Sunday while I was at this fair, the people called where I bought my glasses and told me it was ready!! I was a little nervous about the fact wether I still liked it... but I'm good! Monday I started wearing it to work and soccer and also showed it to my parents and everyone liked it!! Here's me and my first ever glasses!!day #306

On Tuesday I went to see this lady who made me this cute baby hat for my photography.. we went to this fabric store to pick out some new things for the next projects. It was so much easier to see what it looked like and felt...They had so much choice from kind of fabrics to tons of colors...single colors and with several colors... check it out:day #307

here are a couple of colors I really liked and took a photo, so if I want another project and need colors, I can tell this lady wich ones I want.. the greenish/grey colored fabrics on the left are the ones we bought for a cute baby bag... the green under it is for a matching simple #307-2 

Yesterday when we got home from having diner at my parents' there was this little package in the mail... On August 24th I've read this story on one of my fav. digiscrap forums about this woman who passed away from breast cancer. She was diagnosed and a few weeks after they found out she was pregnant... Little Chloe born a few weeks premature, but did great and still is... Sadly Sara died a few after giving birth to little Chloe.

When I saw that thread I headed to their blog  ' the sullivans'. The whole story made my cry and I decided to donate a little amount of money to the 'Sara Sullivan memorial fund'. I've been follwing Brady and the little Chloe ever since trough the blog and I must say that he is one strong & proud daddy!

Anyways a few weeks ago I've read the story about the fact they made these memory bands in memory of Sara. The post said that all contributors to the memorial fund would get a couple, but I never thought about the fact I was one of those contributors. The package I received contained two of these red memory bands with the text: ' Soli Deo Gloria' - Sara Sullivanday #308

Today was (well still is) a rainy Thursday and kind of stayed inside all day...the only thing I went outside for, was to get some food for diner. Ohter then that I sat behind my pc; scrapping, listened to music, played some online poker (my guy draw me over the line, with his new addiction!!!), blogging and browsing the net... Oh yeah I did do the laundry, yeah for me!! Anyways on these like this I love to light some yummy smelling canldes and just relax! I bought a few new ones last week... the cotton one is burning in the bedroom and I've put this 'sea grass' one right here on my desk! :) #309

I think that's about if for now... got some fun things ahead. The wedding tomorrow and this saturday it's international digital scrapbooking day and I think all I'll be doing all day is shop online (if my PP money gets here in time) and scrap! See you all soon -x-

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day #300-304: Fun things

Wow peeps another day in for the records...only 65 more days to go, well 61 after this post! :)

So let's kick this off with Tuesday DAY# 300!! This is the 300th page from our Quran and I can tell you, I'm not even close to reading page 300. I'm so not a reader, unless it's a magazine, but books and such are just not my thing!day #300

Wednesday I worked and two of the kids (sisters) brought these cute characters. They (prod. mom & dad) made these after a fun trip in the forrest... collected these and made these fun things. They were so proud to show us these :) aren't they cute? Now try to spot the rabbit..heheday #301

On Thursday it was my weekly day off and went shopping for a bit at the garden centre. With the new balcony I wanted some new plants...when I got to the register I saw this bracelet. October is breast cancer awareness month... And with buying this bracelet you support the pink ribbon foundation. I already donated some money this month, but just had to buy this... I support pink ribbon! This bracelet is pink/soft pink and grey with all these cute #302

Thursday I got this cute little crochet hat in the mail... I wanted some of these cute hats as photo propts and placed this ad at this site were you can sell things...kind of like e-bay, but a little different. The next morning I already 16 people who were willing to help me out. I picked chowy handmade since they have a lot of different things and it looked great. This lady is so nice and wants to know excatly what I'm looking for, what colors, what sizes...she's great!! So this was the first hat she made for me (I payed for it off course) and I soooo love it. Today (Friday) at work I tried it on one of our little ones and it looks truly adorable!! So what do you think...this is for a boy and also want one for a girl and a couple of other things. After I'm done with this blog post I'm going to send her some info about wich fabrics and all I want for a kind of baby cocoon... I'm so happy I found someone who can make these and it's not expensive at all!day #303

Saturday day # 304, today I cleaned out the meter cupboard... Last week they replaced the old one with a newer, better one. But the closet was filled with plastic bags, shopping bags and this little plastic bag filled with things from when I was little... I used to have this cute pink/blueish plastic tableware and along with it I had these little tins, which were filled with sugar, flour and things like that and played I was a cook...and had my own lil tea house or something like that. I found these when cleaning out the closet. I threw away some of the things that were in the bag, but I'm so not sure about these... They are really old and I think they're so cute. But they're a bit of them has sticked sugar all over the inside, hehe! I just don't know what to do with these...but I think I'm going to hold on to them a bit longer! LOLday #304

So I haven't got a photo for today yet, but I'm sure I'll heva enough when I get back this afternoon. My plan it to go to this photography fair, although not really sure sure I want to go by myself... I asked a couple of friends to come along, but they're all busy and had plans. I know I was a little late asking we'll see. But thinking about it right now, I'm going  for sure!!!

Will be back somewhere this next week. Enjoy your sunday! -hugs-